Monday, 10 August 2015

A New Group Is Starting

Hi Everyone,

We have just completed the third and final Movie Making Class.


In Term 4, on the 6 October, we are starting a VIDEOGRAPHERS' WORKSOP on Tuesdays between 11am and 12.30pm at the Logan North Library. This group is open to all members who have done any of the Movie Making Classes, as well as anyone interested in Videography. Like the camera club, this will be a self-help group, where we all share knowledge in video techniques, editing software and subject matter. You won't need any specific equipment or software to belong to these workshops, only a keen interest in creating great videos.

Click to start the ad for this new group.

If you're interested to join this group, please let me know so that when the roll opens, contact the tutor,


Saturday, 27 June 2015


The new Movie Making Class in Term 3 will be as follows:

WEEK 1 - 14 July 2015 - 10.00 AM - 12.00 NOON
- Introduction
- Good filming practices and what to avoid.

WEEK 2 - 21 July 2015 - 10.00 AM - 12.00 Noon
At Daisy Hill State Forest.

Students will gather footage and sounds to produce a mock-up
travel movie for the course.


WEEK 3 - 28 July 2015 - 10.00 AM - 12.00 Noon
Class will start editing the raw footage collected in week 2,
using Wondershare Movie Editing Software which can be down-
loaded for free from

WEEK 4 - 4 August 2015 - 10.00 AM - 12.00 Noon
Continuation of editing and adding sound and Sound Effects
to the class video.


WEEK 5 - 11 August 2015 - 10.00 AM - 12.00 Noon
Finishing editing touches then we upload the finished travel
video onto the U3A Movie Making You Tube Channel

So that everyone has a chance to learn editing methods, we will use this free editing program which runs on Apple and PC laptops and MacBooks. While you can do all editing functions with the free version, if you save the production, it will display a watermark, unless you purchase a license which costs $39.90, so it's not an expensive video program.

So bring your laptops along to the class, especially in weeks 3-5.

Lesson notes of this course will be emailed to students, in DOC format, free of charge, so you can either print them out or view them on your computer

For further information, please contact the tutor BILL BOHLEN Ph 3208 3729 

Monday, 11 May 2015

Today's Lesson

After the film shoot two weeks ago, the class got down to editing the film 'THE LAGOON" using the Wondershare Video Editor.

The class went on the film shoot on the second class lesson to capture the raw footage for their first movie making attempt.

So this morning they started the post production process using the Wondershare Video editor, which runs both on Apple Mac and PCs, suitable for class teaching.

The editing process continues at next Tuesday's lesson.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Today's Lesson

The Movie Making Class went 'on set' this morning, shooting the footage for their new film 'THE LAGOON' (the lake drowned.)

The Lagoon at Underwood park 

So now the footage in the can, the editing process starts at our next date 12 May 2015.

More details later.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Tomorrow's Lesson

Tomorrow we'll go to film our movie THE PARK. We'll meet at 10.00 am at Underwood park

See map

Bring your cameras, tripods and any other accessories you have. Also can i ask you to bring a clean memory card for this shoot. (No other pictures or video clips on it).


Monday, 20 April 2015

Today's Meeting

We had our first lesson this morning at our new classroom in Daisy Hill. I am pleased to say that we had a hundred percent attendance for our first meeting.

Our first lesson in the newly renovated class room
I will be out of town on the 5th May so the rest of the lessons will be moved back a week, so here are the new dates:

Week 2 - Film Shoot - 28-4-15
Week 3 - Editing  1   - 12-5-15
Week 4 - Editing  2    -19-5-15
Week 5 - Post Prod   - 26-5-15

Until next week, please read your camera manuals and shoot lots of videos to get used to the camera. Remember to take into consideration the things we talked about this morning.


Monday, 13 April 2015

First meeting next Tuesday 21 April - 10:00am

Hi Everyone,

Our class meets for the first time next Tuesday 21 April at 10:00 am. We meet at 45 Highview Terrace, Daisy Hill. (Cnr. Gumnut Grove)

You can either come up Springwood Road from Springwood, then turn right into Daisy Hill Rd and immediately right into Holyoake Dve, that gets you into Highview Terrace.

Or you cab come up Daisy Hill Road then turn left into Highview Terrace to get to No 45.

You don't need to bring a laptop for this first meeting as we won't be doing any practical work on the first day.

See you next Tuesday.

Lesson Notes
If you bring along a memory stick, I'll give you the lesson notes for Term 3 class in PDF file (Different from Term 1).  You can then either print out or read on your screen.

For details of the course, see post below.

Thursday, 26 February 2015


The new Movie Making Class in Term 2 will be as follows:

WEEK 1 - 21 April 2015 - 10.00 AM - 12.00 NOON
- Introduction
- Good filming practices and what to avoid.

WEEK 2 - 28 April 2015 - 10.00 AM - 12.00 Noon
At Underwood Park.

Students will gather footage and sounds to produce a mock-up
travel movie for the course.


WEEK 3 - 12 May 2015 - 10.00 AM - 12.00 Noon
Class will start editing the raw footage collected in week 2,
using Wondershare Movie Editing Software which can be down-
loaded for free from

WEEK 4 - 19 May 2015 - 10.00 AM - 12.00 Noon
Continuation of editing and adding sound and Sound Effects
to the class video.


WEEK 5 - 26 May 2015 - 10.00 AM - 12.00 Noon
Finishing editing touches then we upload the finished travel
video onto the U3A Movie Making You Tube Channel

So that everyone has a chance to learn editing methods, we will use this free editing program which runs on Apple and PC laptops and MacBooks. While you can do all editing functions with the free version, if you save the production, it will display a watermark, unless you purchase a license which costs $39.90, so it's not an expensive video program.

So bring your laptops along to the class, especially in weeks 3-5.

Lesson notes of this course will be emailed to students, in DOC format, free of charge, so you can either print them out or view them on your computer

For further information, please contact the tutor BILL BOHLEN Ph 3208 3729 

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Week 4

Hi Everyone,

Last week we had a look at the video footage shot by members of this class in week 3. There were some fabulous clips available to us to chose from. We then started the editing process of our movie "THE BRIDGE" but ran out of time before our session expired. Editing is a very time consuming effort. However the movie is now finished and ready to be uploaded to the U3A Camera Club You Tube channel on Tuesday.

Here are some scenes from the finished movie:

The Location

Some of the fauna

More wildlife

And some Flora

Because the uploading of the movie will take some time, I ask you to bring along your cameras and tripods and we'll practice shooting some clips in the room.

I'll try to answer any questions you may have.


Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Week 2

Hi Everyone,

After an introduction to this course last week, on Tuesday we begin the serious business of movie making.

In preparation for our film shoot of the movie "THE BRIDGE" in week 3, we'll discuss filming techniques, with other words the Do's and Dont's of filming. We'll talk about capturing the footage  which we'll edit into our movie in week 4.

When we'll go 'on set' for our shoot, you'll be able to work in groups if you like, or by yourself, it doesn't matter. At the end of the shoot, I'll be collecting the footage of everyone. We'll be working on a script which I'll hand out on Tuesday.

Our movie set


Friday, 9 January 2015

Week 1

Hi Everyone and welcome to the first Logan District U3A Movie Making Class of Term 1.

The class notes are available in a booklet. I was considering to have them printed and bound, but the costs involved were a little high and as we try to provide classes free here in the Logan District, I have decided to give you the booklet so that those of you who want to print it out can do so, or you can just read the notes on your computer.

So, if you would like the lesson notes, please bring along a memory stick to the first meeting and I'll copy them for you.

In Lesson 1 on Tuesday, we'll talk about this 5 week course and how it is structured.

We'll cover the types of cameras which can be used to capture video, the advantages and disadvantages of the various types of cameras.

We'll look at the type of media used by these cameras and the amount of data which they can store.

We look at accessories recommended to enhance the quality video productions.

I look forward to meet you all on Tuesday 27 January at 11.00 AM at the Logan North Library at Springwood (Sports Drive).