Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Today's Lesson

The Movie Making Class went 'on set' this morning, shooting the footage for their new film 'THE LAGOON' (the lake drowned.)

The Lagoon at Underwood park 

So now the footage in the can, the editing process starts at our next date 12 May 2015.

More details later.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Tomorrow's Lesson

Tomorrow we'll go to film our movie THE PARK. We'll meet at 10.00 am at Underwood park

See map

Bring your cameras, tripods and any other accessories you have. Also can i ask you to bring a clean memory card for this shoot. (No other pictures or video clips on it).


Monday, 20 April 2015

Today's Meeting

We had our first lesson this morning at our new classroom in Daisy Hill. I am pleased to say that we had a hundred percent attendance for our first meeting.

Our first lesson in the newly renovated class room
I will be out of town on the 5th May so the rest of the lessons will be moved back a week, so here are the new dates:

Week 2 - Film Shoot - 28-4-15
Week 3 - Editing  1   - 12-5-15
Week 4 - Editing  2    -19-5-15
Week 5 - Post Prod   - 26-5-15

Until next week, please read your camera manuals and shoot lots of videos to get used to the camera. Remember to take into consideration the things we talked about this morning.


Monday, 13 April 2015

First meeting next Tuesday 21 April - 10:00am

Hi Everyone,

Our class meets for the first time next Tuesday 21 April at 10:00 am. We meet at 45 Highview Terrace, Daisy Hill. (Cnr. Gumnut Grove)

You can either come up Springwood Road from Springwood, then turn right into Daisy Hill Rd and immediately right into Holyoake Dve, that gets you into Highview Terrace.

Or you cab come up Daisy Hill Road then turn left into Highview Terrace to get to No 45.

You don't need to bring a laptop for this first meeting as we won't be doing any practical work on the first day.

See you next Tuesday.

Lesson Notes
If you bring along a memory stick, I'll give you the lesson notes for Term 3 class in PDF file (Different from Term 1).  You can then either print out or read on your screen.

For details of the course, see post below.